Why do you write? Finding your writing mojo

I'm fascinated by cultures, the ways of life of groups of people who showcase their identities by what they say and do - the way they practice life. I'm fascinated by cultures because I believe that within them lie keys that open doors to human understanding, our understanding of each other's hopes, dreams and motivation. I believe that if we truly make it our business to learn about the cultures of people who differ from us in so many ways, and if we truly try to understand the custodians of these cultures, we will begin to break down the walls of misunderstanding which sometimes lead to conflict among us. Pie in the sky? Probably. But, I continue to hold on to this belief which simply put is: Learning about cultures fosters understanding, strengthens communication and reduces conflict among people . One way to begin this process, I think, is by reading because reading allows us to vicariously travel the world, mingle with people whose way of life is totally diff...