Secrets by JBF

Secrets by JBF

Secrets by JBF

Shiny red, with lime green accents
Three rectangles, atop the other
Each reaching a little farther
Toward the edge of the cover
Blue sea, far below the yellow sun’s glare
Rests inside its rectangular borders
Now looking out boldly,
Now glancing; now peeping
Into eager eyes open wide
It beckons them to take the dive
Down into the depths of its rhymes
Riddled secrets within the lines.

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About the Author

Janette B. Fuller is a teacher and author of three books. Her business is to write stories set in the place she knows best – Jamaica – while also helping writers to write their own stories. 

When you are ready to write your story and/or after you have written your story, make contact with her at for coaching and editing services, respectively. Check out her books here


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