
Showing posts from February, 2025

A Jamaica Independence Story

Miss Mattie settles herself in the white plastic chair on her verandah, her bottom a perfect fit for it. Too perfect, because every time she tries to find a comfortable position, the chair clings to her, preventing her from moving as she would like.  “Eeda de chair too small or me too big,” she mutters and abandons her attempts to adjust her position in the chair. She taps her plump fingers on the frail arms of her chair to the rhythm of the festival song that is blaring from the radio in her living room. Soon, she is rocking to the music.  “Granny, wha’ kine a fool-fool music you a play? Nobody nuh listen to dem kinda music again. Now a modern times. You mus’ move wid de times,” Fenton says, as he bounces on to the verandah. He jiggles his body and smiles down at Miss Mattie.  “So me a nobody.” Miss Mattie looks up at Fenton and continues to bop to the music.  “No, you a nuh nobody. You a somebody. Dat is not what a mean. A mean dat…”  “Me ole?”  Without a...

YouTube Tidbits

Click on the links below for video content. Visit my channel, Stories and Verses .   What's in your tap water?

10 Writing Tips to jumpstart your writing projects

I am not a fan of talk shows, so I don’t purposely watch them or listen to them. But occasionally I catch snippets of the conversations. Recently, I overheard a conversation between a mother and the host of a talk show. The mother said that when her child was in primary school, he was obsessed with drawing. He once drew a picture of a celebrity whom he had never met, and the resemblance was uncanny. However, when it was time for him to do the primary school exit test, she badgered him to study and forget about drawing. She told him that there was no future in drawing (or something like that) and that he should focus on his lessons at school, which apparently could take him places where drawing couldn’t. He studied, went on to high school and probably beyond, (I missed that bit) and has never touched a pencil again. This child clearly had talent which could have been nurtured. His mother gave him one choice. He had to walk the academic path. She now regrets her actions. At the tim...

Dementia and family relations - A Novel: My Own Big Woman (in Videos)

1. Listen to chapter 1 of the novel, MY OWN BIG WOMAN by clicking this link . Listen to chapter 2 of the novel, MY OWN BIG WOMAN by clicking this  link: Get chapter 3 here . Chapter 4