Writing Non-fiction - Book Writing 2
Writing is fun, when you get the hang of it. In these tutorials, I will show you how to awaken your writing skills that you have allowed too much rest. Before you engage with this tutorial, revisit Book Writing 1 , the first writing tutorial. Also, scavenge in the writing toolkit for other relevant information to guide you on your writing journey. In this tutorial we will focus on writing non-fiction. We will look at types of non-fiction and word count, as well as an outline for a non-fiction book. At the end of this tutorial, you will be able to write an outline for your first non-fiction book. Writing Non-fiction - What is non-fiction prose? The Encyclopedia Britannica gives us a good place to start. It says that non-fiction prose is “ any literary work that is based mainly on fact, even though it may contain fictional elements”. It is writing that is “ intended to instruct, to persuade, to convert, or to convey experience or reality through “factual” or spiritual revelati