Is your job about your passion or about the money?

Are you following your passion or are you following the money?
Ah, your passion!
Some of you feel compelled to follow your passion. Your passion is that thing that you believe that you were born to do. It is that thing that gives you most joy in thinking about it and actually doing it. Your passion is what you believe to be your calling, your vocation in life.
Your passion gets expression, oftentimes, in the career paths that you choose for yourselves. Some of you have chosen to be teachers, religious leaders, nurses, doctors, farmers, business persons... The list of career paths that you have chosen is quite extensive.
You have chosen your career paths, your passion, because you believe that you have been called to them. You have chosen to follow your passion. You have chosen to do what gives you joy.
There is a problem, though. Sometimes following your passion puts pressure on significant others to "make do" with what they consider to be the inadequate contribution that you make to them or to the home. Significant others want to live well according to some standard set by society, not to struggle to survive. You share their goals as well, but your idea of living well may differ from theirs. Herein lies the conflict.
Following the money
There are some of you who are pragmatic. You have in mind your passion: that thing that you would really like to do; the job that you believe that you would enjoy doing; that which you know is your calling. However, you look at the remuneration and the long term benefits that you would derive from this passion of yours.
You think about all the needs and wants that you have - the need/want to acquire material possessions, the need to comfortably support yourselves and/or a family, the need to have a comfortable retirement, among a much longer list of needs and wants that you have. You may realise that pursuing your passion is not a sound option if you want to live well.
So, what do you do? You either defer or scrap the idea of following your passion and zone in on a career path that promises you much gain. You follow the money.
You follow the money by choosing career options that, from your research or from your perception, you believe will allow you to have the lifestyle that you desire for yourselves and/or your families. Some of you have had much success in your pursuits, some of you have had less. Some of you are happy with your decision to follow the money, some of you not so much.
Following your passion or following the money is your choice that you all have made. But, instead of making it an "either or" decision some of you may have chosen to do both. Good for you!
In my mind, there is no right or wrong decision where following your passion or following the money is concerned. It all depends on what you value more at a given point in time in your lives.
Are you following your passion, are you following the money or are you doing it all? Sound off in the comments section below.

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About the Author

Janette B. Fuller is a ghost writer and author of four books. 

When you are ready to write your story and/or after you have written your story, make contact with her at She'll help you write your best story by helping you arrange your thoughts and/or edit your work. Check out her books here


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