
Showing posts with the label Poetry corner

Words by JBF

Words by JBF Words by themselves innocuous Words carelessly arranged and uttered Enemies create Apologies tendered Meet with distaste ‘I was not upset.’ ‘What gave you that idea?’ Words that excavate Words that discomfort inflate Words that damn The lie that is your life. Words that uncover your guile To your unwilling eyes. Silence, silence of discord Hang over our desires and dreams Like a rain cloud hovering Over saturated streams. Silence, screaming for redress Wishing that words were left at rest Before you go, spend a few minutes to browse the blog, subscribe to get the latest posts as soon as they are published and do read some of my  poems . A bout the Author J anette B. Fuller  is a teacher and author of  three  books. Her business is to write stories set in the place she knows best – Jamaica – while also helping writers to write their own stories.  When yo...

From gloom to bloom by JBF

From gloom to bloom by JBF Blooms glow out from gloom Boys hopscotch from door to room  Dogs growl, cock crows, moms frown Pop, Pop, Pop, Glocks boom.                                            Horror’s tools to doom fools Who follow crooks Who scorn good books To look cool. Mom, hollow from sorrow Howls. Rocks, too. To know Bobby got shot By fool’s shots. Pop mops hot brows Too strong to howl Holds on to jowl Sorrow grows Tomorrow fools drop Tomorrow glocks stop Tomorrow no goons Tomorrow blooms soon Before you go, spend a few minutes to browse the blog, subscribe to get the latest posts as soon as they are published and do read some of ...

Secrets by JBF

Secrets by JBF Shiny red, with lime green accents Three rectangles, atop the other Each reaching a little farther Toward the edge of the cover Blue sea, far below the yellow sun’s glare Rests inside its rectangular borders Now looking out boldly, Now glancing; now peeping Into eager eyes open wide It beckons them to take the dive Down into the depths of its rhymes Riddled secrets within the lines. Before you go, spend a few minutes to browse the blog, subscribe to get the latest posts as soon as they are published and do read some of my  poems . A bout the Author J anette B. Fuller  is a teacher and author of  three  books. Her business is to write stories set in the place she knows best – Jamaica – while also helping writers to write their own stories.  When you are ready to write your story and/or after you have written your story, make contact with her at for co...

Journey by JBF

A road leading to nowhere and everywhere Journey by JBF You are standing at the edge of despair A bottomless chasm stretches toward you Urging you to dive into its promise which it says is your due A promise of forgetfulness and welcome rest Rest from the pain of constant disappointments Rest from trusting those untrue Rest from the hurt of blighted dreams Rest from the inner silent screams Screams at those who don’t want to understand That you are trying to do the best you can But you refuse to give in to your fear Though your journey is full of twists and turns Your dream within you still burns Exploding into visions most clear The sky will sometimes be grey But the sun will always chase those clouds away Birds will sing; butterflies will play And you will be on your way Before you go, spend a few minutes to browse the blog, subscribe to get the latest posts as soon as they are published and do read some  poems . A bout the...